Sunday 16 December 2012

Topic 5 subtopic 5: Loading 32- bits Data Into register

Making a Reference To A Memory

You cannot load an arbitrary 32-bit immediate constant into a register in a single instruction without performing a data load from memory. The range of constants that you can generate using 16-bit Thumb instructions is much smaller and so the task could not be perform.

Is it possible to load a 32 bit immediate to a register? Immediate implies the constant is part of the instruction. Is it possible for any ISA that uses 32-bit instructions to load an arbitrary 32 bit immediate value to a register? If the instruction must be 32-bits, there's no way to do it. First of all, if all 32 bits are used for the immediate, where are the bits for the opcode? Where are the bits to indicate which register to place the immediate value? This information also has to be there, but there's no space.
Notice it's important that we say arbitrary 32 bits. Clearly, you can load a 32 bit quantity using addi, but since addi uses a 16 bit quantity (which is then sign-extended to 32 bits), there's only 216 different 32-bit quantities you can store, not the full 232 you'd normally expect with a 32-bit immediate value.
Even if you left everything implicit, for example, you assumed you were always using register 1, and you assumed that the 32-bit immediate value was always loaded in that register, then, you'd be saying no other instructions are possible.
Since there's no way to do it one instruction, is there a way to do it in two instructions?

Loading 32 bit Immediates in Two Instructions

There's a MIPS instruction called lui which stands for "load upper immediate". The instruction looks like:
lui  $rt, immed
This is an I-type instruction. $rs is unused in this instruction. The semantics are:

R[t] = IR15-0 016
It loads the upper 16 bits of R[t] with the 16 bit immediate, and the lower 16 bits with all 0's.
One possiblility for loading a 32 bit constant, say, 0x0123abcd is:
lui  $r1, 0x0123
addi $r1, $r1, 0xabcd
However, this has problems. In particular, recall that addi sign-extends. If the immediate value is negative, then the upper 16 bits will be all 1's, and adding this will ruin the upper 16 bits.
One solution is to use ori:
lui  $r1, 0x0123
ori  $r1, $r1, 0xabcd
ori zero-extends the immediate value. It also takes advantage of the fact that the low 16 bits of the register is all 0's. Thus, using bitwise OR is like adding, if there is no carry. Since you are adding 0x01230000 (which is what $r1 contains after the lui instruction) to 0x0000abdc (which is the zero-extended immediate of the ori instruction), there's no carries, thus ori behaves like unsigned addition. The other possibility is to use addiu which adds, but does so by zero-extending the immediate instead of sign-extending it.
